Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 / 8的CITY HUNT真的有够好玩!!!

好不容易说服自己暂时放下课业上的压力,跟一班很OmH!!!的队员们一起跑上跑下,跑东跑西的,加上没什么方向感,哇赛!跑在繁忙的KK中有够乱的 ~ 哈哈哈……不过大家都很同心协力,在浪漫的小雨中一起破解了 “Da KK Code”得到了每一站的提示。

哼!要在有限的时间内完成如此多的任务,可不是普通人可以做到的,但我们一队员勇于接受挑战,一班人浩浩荡荡出发探险去了!!! 除了要走进海底世界一路寻找“海底饺子”的身价;我们还得到天空之城寻找蓝色狸猫;路途中还遇上 “咖啡女皇” 要求我们协助寻找她的的身份证号码,为了感激我们,她帮助我们破解只有韩国人懂的地方密码“NO Night Day”,从而发现了小人国的神秘足迹;我们还成功闯入充满“椰”生动物的古城中,找到了宝藏美人;接着 一起在“亚庇的天梯”寻找自以为是明星的明星签的名、到最后终于寻找到价值“廉橙”的“H1N1保命仙丹” Yeah !!! \(^o^)/

哈哈哈……谁要是错过了这么好玩的一天,一定后悔到不行 ;p

看我丰富的想象力把这次的游戏经历形容得好像真的探险回来了!不过最重要的是,在整个过程中看到每个队员都扮演着独特的角色,在大家精疲力尽时彼此鼓励、帮助闯关。这次的City Hunt除了让很少往外跑的我出了一身汗,也让我获益良多,如:近来天气不好,很多人都生病了,学长们也用心良苦让我们找上中药店买凉茶呵~ 对了,提醒我回乡之前也要到Fillipino market 去买些手信回家孝敬爹娘哦!论回家还早得很,嘿 !我还aim 到了八月份必看的电影,打算与佳人有约看戏去!喂, 佳人?要看戏去吗?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

From Organizer!!!

Another sweet memory belongs to the family of ULC has once again been recorded on 2/8/09 at KK town-City hunt game show. You cant imagine the picture of their eagerness to boost the game at the starting, their never giving up spirit even raining or doubt during the game ongoing, the creative but funny way of solving tasks, their tired but satisfied faces at the end of game and lots more…… not if you’re along with us. But I do witnessing all that, and these were all the precious and great reward for me as the person in charge of the game.

Thankful heart dedicated to all the dedicated group leaders who were doing great job guiding their team, to all the participants who giving us the chance to spend worthy moment with you all during the activity, and to my partner-Foo Yew and May Chin who helps a lot in the preparation for the game. This game was success because of each one of you. Lastly, my deepest comfort will be the much much more closer linkage which been building up among each and everyone of us. Dear all my juniors friend, believe me, University life means more than a roll of graduation certificate! Somehow in moment where you need a friend who to share and walk through your life within this short few years at UMS, we’ll be there for you!

Monday, August 3, 2009


It was a great and interesting City Hunt last Sunday whereby my group, 'Energy' emerged as the champion of the City Hunt. I am so appreciate to have such lovely, supporting and energetic group members. There are Sasha, Alice, Jay Chou's bro-Zhou Kai Lun and Ah Lian. Everyone gave their contribution to the team success in terms of ideas and actions. haha..
However, most importantly, we had built a good relationship in this event not only within the team and even with other team members too.. For example, by celebrating the birthday of our cute Li Ching (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!)
at Wisma Merdeka o... Hopefully, this event brings a memorable experience to everyone. Ops, before i forgot, i would like to thank the gamemaster, Wanda and Co. for preparing such a challenging games.. And finally keep in touch ya to all friends... May God bless you...

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